I have finally gotten back on here and boy is there a lot to report! I have been attempting to teach the students how to update on the blog. This is a work in progress and the goal is to have more frequent posts! Clearly, I am not good at this! :)
We have been up to a lot! We finished out Hangar Theater play with great success! They children did a tremendous job and I am very very proud of them. On Fridays we have been working with students from LACS. The project has been centered around indigenous people of New York State - primarily the Iroquois or Haudenosaunee people. As you might remember, this was also the topic of our Hangar Theater Play. We have been learning about the regions they originally inhabited and are comparing them to the regions they live in today. It's shocking! We are learning about their oral tradition and their Law of Peace. Check out the You Tube Video of the Peacemaker's Tale at the link below.
We have been studying the oral tradition and thinking about our own family traditions around stories. Talk with your child about any traditions you remember as a child. Was there a story that was passed down from your "elders"?
We have been learning about the Iroquois Confederacy, clan animals, wampum belts, and how the Iroquois had a matriarchal society.

Get into a discussion with your child about these topics with questions like:
- How is our society different from the Haudenosaunee?
- What is the purpose of the clans?
- Describe the Law of Peace and the story of the Peacemaker
- What is wampum and what was it used for?
Some important dates to keep in mind:
February 14 - Valentine's Day Party 1pm
February 20-24 - NO SCHOOL: Winter Recess
March 4 & 5 - 1/2 Days (Parent Teacher Conferences)
March 16 - No School